Home - DC Economics

A no-bullshit, practical approach to investing and personal finance.

After years spent poring over financial statements, books, and podcasts, as well as engaging in lengthy conversations to understand business models for my personal investment portfolio, I have decided to share my passion with the rest of the world (or at least the two people who might read this site).

I am no expert, but I will use this instagram page and website primarily to highlight investment ideas that I am researching or to highlight articles/books/other literature that would be of interest to other aspiring investors.

Just to be clear, I’m no expert and hold absolutely no “qualifications” in financial markets. Don’t follow my lead—consult a financial expert before making any investment decisions. I’m not responsible for your financial f*ck ups – manage your own emotions and risk tolerance. As blunt as this sounds, I want it to be crystal clear.

There is a significant advantage to gathering your own information and making decisions based on facts you’ve personally collected. Investing is more of an emotional exercise than an intellectual one. It becomes very difficult to remain steady and make rational, unbiased judgments if you’re relying on someone else’s information. This is why it’s important to have conviction and create your own thesis.

Know what you own, and know why you own it.